Curious Journeys

Curious Journeys is a creative project started by Steve Irvine to capture creative inspiration that surrounds us as we go about our daily lives.

With a background in graphic design and branding he’s spent many years behind the Mac, but found he had a desire to get back to his creative roots: to immerse in a more hands-on medium whilst employing a modern aesthetic. Thus his work almost gives the illusion that it could have been created on the Mac, yet it has the craft and tactility of printing.

His biggest project to date is learning the fine art of linocut through his love of typography and letters. Starting with a basic letter A then working through the alphabet discovering and perfecting techniques and various styles, gaining more skills in the craft of linocut but always retaining a similar graphic feel.

He continues his linocut journey, honing his skills as he explores other subjects gaining inspiration from his own travels and experiences. From places, objects and of course his love of type, who knows where or what the next subject will be.

The curious journey continues…